Solana developers have announced a quantum-resistant vault on the chain for safer protection of users’ funds from possible attacks with the help of quantum computers. This novel solution, the “Solana Winternitz Vault,” offers a novel hash-based signature system that creates new keys in every transaction-one more layer of protection to make it way tougher for any quantum computer to crack.
Key Takeaways: – The new “Solana Winternitz Vault” uses a hash-based signature system to protect users’ funds from potential quantum computer attacks. – Currently, the vault is an optional add-on, allowing users to choose this advanced security over regular Solana wallets to safeguard assets. |
In a GitHub post, cryptographer Dean Little explained that the Solana Winternitz Vault is a concept that makes it harder for quantum computers to launch coordinated attacks against public keys, and every time a transaction occurs, it reveals some new public keys, further strengthening the defence against quantum attacks.
Winternitz Vault works by generating a new Winternitz keypair for each transaction and computing the Keccak256 Merkle root of the public key to create a “split” vault consisting of a split and refund account.
Users generate a Winternitz signature over a message containing the amount of Solana’s native cryptocurrency, “lamports,” to transfer. Once the transfer is complete, the remaining funds are returned to the refund account, and the vault closes.
The Solana Winternitz Vault is an opt-in feature today and not a network-wide upgrade, which would make this a required upgrade. It would be on the users to opt into storing their funds in a vault instead of a regular Solana wallet if they want to protect their assets against the future risk of quantum computing.
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